Fred's Blog

Fred and Loathing on The Internet

Welcome to the public web log of Fred Lambuth



There has been work done on the complete codebase rewrite. Down to the data model, mind you! I’m saving that stuff to a different git repository. So far what I have are some very, very sparse SQL create table statements. My aim is for each table to only have as few columns as possible with the...

The fidgeting I've done with the data model over in SQL felt dreary. There were not any big blasts of inspiration to improve when I poked around my prior work. There could be some minor gains in efficiency to be made by making sure I do not have any redundant information between my tables. I do...

Lightweight changes on today’s update. Fixed the legend order in the 24 hr view chart so that the colors match their order. There is a bunch of code cleanup that has nothing tangible to show on a HTML page I serve, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Especially on my module where I make...

Every now and then while I’m on the clock and feel the specter of Imposter Syndrome haunting over my workflow, I like to check in at my own website. Seeing my QA tested website put out some new interesting information every day (or even few minutes) served over the whole world fucking wide web...

Viernes Gigante! A great big sack of updates to gush about. It’s a deep list, not a wide one. Everything new, except for some CSS touch ups, is in the /stats section of my URL mapping. That mapping has been there for a while but I did not feel I had the web dev chops to harness that interface...

Blimey! This is a quick wraparound! I am delaying my git operations by a few hours so this blog would publish one calendar day after the last one- which as of the time of this writing- was three or so hours ago. I could have lumped together the updates that come with this blog_post+git pull into...
