Blog Post: It's Just A Damn FOR Loop!

Fred and Loathing on The Internet

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It's Just A Damn FOR Loop!


The fidgeting I've done with the data model over in SQL felt dreary. There were not any big blasts of inspiration to improve when I poked around my prior work. There could be some minor gains in efficiency to be made by making sure I do not have any redundant information between my tables. I do have a data model good enough to declare some primary, foreign, and surrogate keys to SQLAlchemy without any finagling. I think I can take another stab at dealing with their API. Until there is some big flaw to how I set up my meager data architecture of four tables and one json, I’ll go back to making stick-and-run improvements at the Flask Views and Jinja Templates level.

The dashboard menu has a snazzy CSS dropdown menu that links to my updates. I figured out how to replicate my dashboard for 2022 to any year that is found in my database. Right now there is only thee, so I hard coded three additions of plotly_dash apps to my flask app in the main init file. I guess I could make some variable that gathers the years in my database and loop through that list with my add_dash() function. That seems somewhat more work and complication to read through later for a handful of years.

My third monitor is usually running Wallpaper Engine. My workflow gets done with my two bottom monitors as my ‘active’ ones and the third one is a sorta ‘sideboard’ where I put things that are running passively while the PC is on. I found one that makes a lot of Spotify API calls. It has given me several ideas for connecting my web server with my own workstation, the way I control one spotify account on several audio devices inside my home.

I got the last of the 100 Bullets collection volumes from the library. I do not have any striking memories of the latter half of the one hundred issue series, other than that I found the ending to be a sad, underwhelming answering of questions asked way back in the beginning of the series, but a hokey answer that sullied my whole idea about the book’s themes. My first read of the later stuff was on a CRT monitor in 2009 on some site that had scanned pages. Maybe this time holding the actual physical copy will give me that dirty noir satisfaction the first seventy or so issues still give me.

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