Welcome to the public web log of Fred Lambuth
Topical humor among television comedies set in the late twentieth century has been a subtext weaved behind several of my blog posts. Quite a few of the blog posts centered on television series have mentioned my childhood interest in discovering the meaning to adult jokes that escaped my grasp....
The Alice Network
The first review of the year! That’s just a pedestrian remark on what time it is. There is nothing more than that. Another book read and needing critiquing. That's how it was last year, and so it will be this, and all years henceforth. Until I stop reading books,...
It’s been said before here on the blog that I read these big fat non-fiction books to either learn a great deal about something, or to see some familiar historical characters muck it up in closer detail, or maybe to see them weaved into a greater context. Before reading this book I knew Petain...
It’s not all chit-chat about comic books or old sitcoms here at the fredlambuth.com blog!
This time it will be my thoughts on all +1000 pages of Judgement in Tokyo by Gary J. Bass. A mammoth single volume, published in 2023, dealing with the convening of a court made to find...
We’re back on the X-Men beat. The groups suggested for me on social media I find while scrolling through my feeds keep the X-Men coursing around in my day to day thoughts. Mostly the images. Cool as the X-Men are as secret outsiders fighting for truth and justice, they would be nothing if it was...
I was a victim of circumstance. There was another James Ellroy novel floating around me. One I have had in my possession for years. A novel I have read ten percent of yet never found myself finishing the book. The reason I never found myself ready because I remember that first ten percent of...