Blog Post: Unless They Are Paid to Code, They Are Just A Grammer

Fred and Loathing on The Internet

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Unless They Are Paid to Code, They Are Just A Grammer


Update for this post is a CSS paint job change. What makes it juicier than being a mere superficial retouching update is that all the CSS changes were made at the base.html sheet that all my website pages inherit their templating from. That means I no longer change any individual pages. Instead I write some design rules in the base that all pages are built from. At the moment I am not thrilled with my design options. After playing around with the just the h heading tags I can see there are tons of visual options to play with. I barely know enough to stack some text boxes in symmetrical order. Maybe fill them with a single background color.

The Judge Dredd collection I picked up from the library was numbered seventeen. I know that series has an issue run that goes well into the hundreds. However the volume number had me thinking there are sixteen better Judge Dredd story collections as I started the book. If there are, then they must be fabulous. I loved every one so far in this. I have heard that Judge Dredd is a representation of fascist policies. I could agree with that, however I don't think there is any insight to be gained by exploring how the ‘fascism’ of Megacity-1 developed. The idea of fascism popping up in squalid and desperate social settings seems obvious to me. What else was going to happen to Megacity-1 besides anarchy or totalitarianism? I would be more interested to see just how society got to a place where Judges as an institution were considered.

Movie theaters are a venue I find myself in only a few times a year, at most. Usually I reserve visits for movies that get a boost of grandeur from appearing on a large screen. I caught the most recent Evil Dead film. The originals with Bruce Campbell hold a dear place in my heart. The movie I saw was suitable enough for a textbook horror movie. A few interesting visual gimmicks. Believable tenderness in the first half that gives the horror more weight in the second half. The only spoilers I would give is that it does have a shotgun, a chainsaw, and a few shots right out of Sam Raimi’s playbook.

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